
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

2 Days 2012 - Day 12

Thanks for stopping by and welcome to Day 12 of's 3rd Annual 25 Days of Christmas and Year 'Round Crafting Showcase.  Make sure you stop by every day (December 01 - 25) and check out all of the inspiration from the Design Team members and don't forget to grab your daily freebies!  You never know what kind of surprise Melin will have for you.  She has wonderful cutting files, digi stamps and to keep you going all through the year....calendar pages!

Day 12 - Kris & Kompany

For this frame I used several cartridges --   
Doodlecharms, Martha Stewart Seasonal 
Cake Art, Art Nouveau and Songbird

This frame is made so that my niece can change out the layout and put it into an 
album and replace it with the next "1st" in Journey's life! 

"Journey's 1st" is made with white vinyl and is sitting on top of the glass.

I used the Devine Swirl embossing folder for "Kris'" beard and mustache.  
Stardust Stickles and a piece of a feather boa.

 Thanks for stopping by and remember to check out all of the Design Team Members' masterpieces and pick up your daily freebie at
I'll be back on the 15th -- I hope you'll join me!



  1. This is absolutely precious! I just LOVE IT!!!

  2. Super the pink & black! How smart of you to make the layout pages changeable (is that a word?). Your niece will love it!!


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